SERVE is an internally and externally focused step on our ongoing pathway at Jersey. As believers, we are called to serve. It is a command. We serve best when we understand the whole person that God has created us to be. That includes an understanding of our personality, spiritual gift(s), talents, interests and significant life experiences. A person can choose many different ways to serve others and exercise their spiritual gift(s). We want to partner with believers and help them find meaningful ways to serve in order to make the greatest impact on the lives of those in their community and the church.
All SERVE positions are organized to help us best accomplish our mission of caring for people and connecting them to Christ.
Explore the areas identified below and prayerfully consider which you would most like to serve.
- General Service
- Guest Services
- Next Generation (Preschool, Children, Students and Young Adults)
- Worship Experiences (includes Music and Audio Visual)
- Adults (Men and Women's Ministries and Grow Groups)
- Missions
- Special Events
Follow these three simple steps to begin your SERVE journey at Jersey:
Complete our online SERVE profile, a personal inventory of spiritual gifts, passion, abilities and personality style.
Preview the list of Serve Opportunities that align with your SERVE Profile or select the opportunity that you would like to try based on interest, schedule and/or availability. Contact the ministry team leader listed to discuss.
Fill out the Serve Interest Form below. Determine with the ministry leader if church membership is required for the area in which you are interested in serving. Accept your assignment. Go to work. Make a difference. Enjoy!