The Main Thing
The two greatest commandments God has given us are rooted in love - the first, to love God, and the
second, to love your neighbor as yourself. These commandments are fundamental in how we should
engage with each other. In this series, we’ll explore four different types of people we regularly engage
with: people who are different from us, people who disagree with us, people we consider detractors,
and people who don’t yet believe. We’ll look to Jesus as our ultimate example as He teaches us to
keep the main thing the main thing: loving God and loving others.
Series and study begin Sunday, April 7.
Series Verse
He said to him, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This
is the greatest and most important command. The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.
-Matthew 22:37-39
Weekly Sermons & Studies
April 7: Loving Others | Matthew 22:34-40
April 14: Loving Those Who are Different | Matthew 15:21-28
April 21: Loving Those Who Disagree: Matthew | 17:24-27
April 28: Loving Our Detractors: Matthew | 5:38-48
May 5: Loving Those Who Don’t Believe | Matthew 23:37-39
Email to connect with a group for this study.