Christmas Eve
Invite your family and join us for the best of our favorite Christmas hymns/songs and candle lighting. We will have services in both our Chapel and Central Venue. We look forward to worshiping with you at our Christmas Eve services this year.
Sunday, December 24
9:00AM | 11:00AM
Central Venue
1:00PM | 3:00PM | 5:00PM
Childcare will be provided for children ages two and under.
Benevolence Offering
It is a Jersey tradition that we take up a benevolence offering during our Christmas Eve services to help care for those in our church and surrounding communities that struggle with their basic needs. Thank you for your generous offering in helping us care for those in need. GIVE ONLINE
If you are not able to join us in-person, we will be streaming each of our services.
You can find us online at:
-Download the Jersey Church app
If you experience any technical difficulties at one of the above sites, you can give one of the other channels a try.
We look forward to worshiping together with you this Christmas Eve.