Jersey is a growing, multi-generational church in New Albany, OH, just outside Columbus. We have four services each Sunday where we come together to worship God, grow in our knowledge of the Bible, develop meaningful relationships, and get involved in ministry as we seek to live out our mission.

Here more about the heart behind our internship program from Senior Pastor Matt Read:

Internship Program

Our Internship Program exists to prepare the next generation of ministry leaders for success in life, leadership, and ministry through being fully immersed in local church ministry and training from staff members.

  • 10-Week Summer Internship
  • Full-Time (40 Hours/Week)
  • Paid
  • 1-on-1 Discipleship
  • Real-World Experience
  • Housing Included

  • Complete the application below.
  • Submit Your Resume (you can do this at the end of the application form).
  • Once completed, please submit a 3- to 5-minute video to Tyler Morgan (via email at ) answering the following questions:
    • Tell us how you came to know Jesus.
    • Why are you interested in Church Ministry?
    • What are some skills you would bring to your Jersey Internship experience?
    • What are you hoping to learn in this program?


Read testimonials from former Jersey Interns who now serve on our staff team at Jersey!


I spent two summers as a "Student Ministry Intern" at Jersey, and during that time, I was able to start putting into practice what I was learning in the classroom. I was given the opportunity to participate in real-world ministry through large and small group teaching, event planning, attending student ministry events, and spending time with students. Those summer internships 100% helped prepare me to work full-time in ministry!


I served as the Missions Intern for 3 summers before coming on full-time as an associate! During my time, I was able to plan, execute, and attend local/international trips for a wide demographic of volunteers. This prepared me for my role as an Event facilitator for Compassion International before returning to Jersey Church, full-time. Serving as the Missions Intern allowed me to work alongside a variety of ministries internally and externally which have benefited me greatly. It is such a rewarding experience to prepare the next generation with the tools and knowledge to carry out the great commission!


My Internship at Jersey laid the foundation for my career in ministry. I was able to do hands-on work using the gifts God had given me. Turning an internship into a job that I have held for almost 10 years. As an intern in the worship department at Jersey, I was able to lead worship, spearhead projects, gain practical experience, and sharpen my skills. I am now the Technical Director at Jersey and love my job and church.


My experience in the Jersey Internship was just the start of understanding God's will for my life. Growing up in the church I saw God make worshippers first out of the leaders that we had. That was really good for me! Out of that, the internship gave me tangible goals, practical experiences, and to this day healthy challenge. I have been leading worship in our youth and main congregation for more than half a decade and I am still learning. I love what I do and I love our people!


Internship Application
Internship Area for Which You Are Applying*

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Marital Status*

Please provide one personal reference and one work/institution reference (references cannot be related to applicant).

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Have you at any time ever been convicted of, or pleaded guilty or no contest to, any crime?*

Are you currently using illegal drugs or abusing prescription drugs?*

Are you currently being treated for any type of substance abuse?*

Have you ever participated in, been accused or convicted of, or pleaded guilty or no contest to any abuse or sexual misconduct?*

Upload Your Resume PDF Here

Please type your first and last name.

Please make sure you are taken to a Submission Completed page after clicking the Submit button. If you are not taken to a new page, please check your form for errors.