At Jersey, we hope to see every believer GROW in their relationship with Jesus by joining a group. We grow best when we experience Christian community with other believers for Bible study and encouragement. Living life with a small group of believers provides support for walking through life’s good and bad times together. Through Christian community, people are given opportunities to obey the “one another” commands of Scripture as they grow in truth.
"So then, just as you have received Chris Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, being rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, and overflowing with gratitude.” (Colossians 2:6-7 CSB)
A Journey of Faith
Last year, we journeyed with Jesus to the cross. This year, we step into the unknown as we travel with Paul on his extraordinary journey to Rome. Paul once declared that all he knew was “Christ and Him crucified.” His unwavering belief in the power of Christ’s crucifixion propelled him forward, even into uncharted territories. As we walk alongside Paul, we will uncover how his faith transformed his challenges into opportunities to glorify God. Together we will let Paul's inspiring journey inspire our own journey of faith.
Theme Verse
"For you will be a witness for Him to all people of what you have seen and heard." Acts 22:15
Weekly Sermons & Studies
March 2 | Warnings on the Journey | Acts 21:1-14
March 9 | Arrested for the Gospel | Acts 21:26–23:11
March 16 | A Testimony That Transforms | Acts 23:12–24:27
March 23 | The Appeal for the Mission | Acts 25:1-12
March 30 | Before the King | Acts 25:13–26:32
April 6 | Faith in the Storm | Acts 27:1-44
April 13 | Into the Heart of the Mission | Acts 28:11-31
1. Attend one of our Sunday worship services beginning March 2.
2. Become a Point Person for a new short-term Grow Group.
to get started.
3. Connect with a Grow Group.
to sign up today. You can also visit the Next Steps Desk in the Main Lobby on a Sunday morning for more information!
On-Campus Grow Groups gather weekly on Sunday mornings at 9:00AM & 10:15AM. Click here for a current list.
Off-Campus Grow Groups gather during the week in homes throughout the surrounding communities.
Life isn't always easy. Every person has experienced pain, fear, hurt, disappointment, and difficult times. There is no shame in needing a little extra care, support, hope, encouragement and direction during life's struggles.
We offer Focused Grow Groups on specific topics and areas of study. These groups have a set beginning and end date and are scheduled multiple times throughout the year. Click here for a list of groups that are currently meeting.
The Jersey Institute exists to provide in-depth, God-centered, Bible-based training in knowledge of the Bible, theology, history, leadership development and spiritual formation.
Learn more and watch videos from past courses here.
Discover more opportunities for adults of all ages here.