Finding Help Groups

COMPASS Ministries Biblical Counseling, Ltd.

Have you or someone you know lost direction?
Having trouble navigating through concerns in your life?
Discouragement, confusion, pain, loneliness, struggling with faith, job loss, divorce, relationship problems, fear, sickness, grief, trauma, and many other concerns are difficult for all of us but it is possible to find your way through and learn how to navigate these difficult times.

Sometimes we just need someone to talk to.
A trained and equipped person who is equipped to provide direction, hope for healing, encouragement, and an objective perspective can help! With help it is possible to resolve internal conflicts caused by past or current events and move toward emotional, relational, and spiritual healing.

Help, hope, healing.
A degreed Biblical Counselor who is specially trained using a biblical foundation as their guide is available to meet with you to provide help, hope, and guidance.

Appointments are available for couples, individuals, pre-marital couples, and families.

To set up an appointment:
Email:   or call: 740-927-5615.
Info and forms available on line
Fees, financial assistance, and intake forms can be found at


Divorced? Separated?

You don't have to go through it alone.  Start the healing process...

If you or someone you know going through the painful, stressful and heartbreaking experience of the break-up of a marriage or long term relationship...we have a program to help you and your children (ages 5 to 12) find help, hope and healing.

DivorceCare is a 13-week Bible-based recovery group for anyone who has been through a divorce.  You are welcome to join us anytime throughout the 13 week sessions.

The DivorceCare video series is designed to provide powerful tools to assist churches in conducting an effective ongoing divorce recovery ministry.  DivorceCare provides Christ-centered, biblical material presented in a relevant ---- support group.  For more information regarding this support group, click here. Workbook cost is $15.00.

For further information email Gary or Becky at  .  You are welcome to begin attending the DivorceCare group on any week.  Each session is "self-contained" and you can continue through the next 13 -week cycle to view any of the topics you have not seen.

Coordinators:  Gary & Becky Kinser

For more information...



GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone.

GriefShare seminars and support groups are led by people who understand what you are going through and want to help. You’ll gain access to valuable GriefShare resources to help you recover from your loss and look forward to rebuilding your life.

Please email   // 740-927-1859  for more information or visit our Events page for the next group start.


For more information about GriefShare, or to find a group closer to you, visit