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Stories from the Field: Girls Game Night

Stories from the Field: Girls Game Night

by Todd Smeltzer on October 25, 2018

Stories from the Field: Girls Game Night

This is an incredible story that only the Lord could have orchestrated as one of our women’s RD Groups provides a perfect example of effective discipleship resulting in greater evangelism.

"While brainstorming in our RD Group about reaching unchurched friends who we had been praying for, we came up with the idea of a monthly girls game night. The four of us each invited one unchurched friend and scheduled it on the last Thursday of every
month. The four of us brought food and planned games for several months as we got to know each other’s friends. Bonds began to form and comments were made about how helpful and kind we were to each other. They saw something different in us.

We invited them to church events and lunch dates as relationships grew. We also started inviting more friends and now there are 14 ladies at Girls Game Night! Everyone brings food now and we have a feast with lots of games and laughs. After a year and a half we
threw out the idea of a summer Bible study and fully expected no one to bite.

Much to our surprise, 9 of the women said YES! When the Bible study was over, they even asked for more. We currently have 14 enrolled in our current study. You never know where God will lead! Just follow His adventure! He is full of wonderful surprises!"

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