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A Heartfelt Thank You | Feed the City 2019

A Heartfelt Thank You | Feed the City 2019

November 21, 2019

Each year following Feed the City, we receive thank you’s from some of our guests. This year, we received quite a few.

We are unable to share them all, but we wanted to share this one in particular.

You helped make this possible. 


"I do not even know where to start! First and foremost thank you so much for all of the amazing food items you provided my family yesterday! Sadly my bag didn't have the stuffing but that was the only sad thing that happened to me yesterday :) I tried to personally thank as many of you as I could, there were so many of you that I know I missed the majority! I have come every year that you have done this. Every year you, your church and all that have donated their time and items have made it possible for me to provide Thanksgiving Dinner for my family. Not just Thanksgiving either! I have been able to stretch these items for up to a week! Five years ago I would never have imagined needing to go to a food pantry. I participated in donating but never needed the services. Life was good and our bills were paid and once in awhile we could go out to a movie or even out to eat. Then my husband was diagnosed with ulcertative colitus. This rocked our world. I was working at t he time so we were barely able to hold on after making life choices like moving into a smaller home, getting rid of things we didn't need like cable TV a home phone, full coverage on our vehicles, no going out!  visiting local food pantries and the like. My husband is back to work thank God! Two years ago I was forced to quit work due to problems with my gall bladder and recently ulcers. It seems like we have been barely surviving for the past five years. Then I came to you yesterday.  I didn't have a winter coat and you provided me with an amazing one! Gloves and a scarf too. We don't buy soda pop, or flavored water and the like usually we make store brand kool aide. Lately not as we haven't had sugar in some time. You fixed that for us and last night we had Black Cherry flavored kool aide for the first time in months and it was delicious! I made homemade chicken and noodle with the chicken and eggs you provided us and they too were amazing! I don't think people hear the words Thank You enough! So THANK YOU. I want you all to know how very appreciative I am for your kindness, your time, your hugs, breakfast, your conversation yesterday, but mostly thank you for not making me feel like a degenerate for standing in line, for not making me feel like I was begging. Thank You for making me welcome and blessed.  Thank You for reminding me that God is always there for me and for letting me know I am welcome in your home of worship and fellowship. I will take you up on that when gasoline isn't such a premium for us. I tuned into your online fellowship and again was blessed! Each of you are amazing people.  From the youngest of you who all had smiles for us to those of you old enough to understand the real struggles some of us are going through. I don't think many can understand the pure joy of putting on a winter coat and not only did it keep me warm it fit! There were none left last year that fit me and the gloves were too small as well. I think that is because God knew this year I would get ones that did fit! I was so emotional last night cooking dinner that my grandson kept asking me if I was OK. It was hard to explain to him that they were tears of gratefulness, love, and the shear joy of making a dish like homemade noodles again! I apologize for rambling but I want to make sure that you know your selfless acts are so appreciated! Our bills may be overdue and the rent behind but we have food in our bellies and hopes for better days! Small steps to some maybe but to us these are giant leaps towards getting back on our feet. God bless and keep each and every one of you and Thank You again for everything! You have made the words Thanksgiving much more than just a holiday!"


FEED THE CITY | By the Numbers

Approximately $22,000 was given towards this year’s Feed the City.

Around 17,000 non-perishable food items were donated.

Hundreds of prayers were prayed over the last six weeks.

We had approximately 350 volunteers.

Over 900 coats were given away.

Over 3,000 hats, gloves, scarves and socks were given away.

Approximately 800 families received a hot breakfast, which led to 800 really great conversations. Many of those conversations led to the gospel being shared.

We received 60 decision cards…
Of that – 17 people wanted to talk to someone further, and 8 people committed their lives to Christ.

70 families were cared for at an offsite location in Blacklick.

A total of 1,171 families were fed and cared for with a bag of perishable and a bag of non-perishable food items.

We got to live out our mission of caring for people and connecting them to Christ.


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